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R.S., Moore L.G., Sutton J.R., Bender P.R., Dahms Т.Е., McCullough
R.E., McCullough R.G., Huang S.-Y., Sun S.-F., Grover R.F., Hultgren
H.N., Reeves J.T. (1991). Oxygen transport during steady-state
submaximalexercise in chronic hypoxia. Journal of Applied Physiology,
70, 1129-1136.

    92.	Young A.J. (1990). Energy substrate utilization during exercise in
extreme environments. In K. Pandolf J.O. Holloszy (Eds.), Exercise and
sport sciences reviews: Vol. 18.

    Дене тәрбиесі мен спорт түрлері физиологиясы бойынша ғылыми
зерттеулер жарық көретін журналдар тізімі мен негізгі әдебиеттер:

    Examples of journals that publish exercise physiology or related

    Acta Physiologica Scandinavia
    American Journal of Physiology (APS)
    Canadian Journal of Applied Sports Sciences
    European Journal of Applied Physiology
    International Journal of Sports Medicine
    International Journal of Sports Nutrition
    Journal of Applied Physiology
    Journal of Exercise Physiology online (ASEP)
    Journal of Physiology
    Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness
    Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
    Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (ACSM)
    Professionalization of Exercise Physiologyonline (ASEP)
    Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport


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